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Adoption Choice Inc.

Adoption Choice Inc. (ACI), is a private, non-profit, licensed adoption agency serving the entire state of Wisconsin. Since 1986, our passion has been to create families through adoption with an emphasis on the best possible outcome for the child. We strive for compassionate, loving support for birth parents and adoptive parents, alike.

Choosing to adopt can be an exciting and overwhelming decision. The Adoption Choice Inc. family is committed to assisting you as you embark on your journey. We will be by your side throughout the different phases of your adoption - from choosing the type of adoption that fits your family to the joyous day of Finalization. We are here to educate you, guide you, and support you.

Adoption Choice, Inc. believes families come in all different forms. Whether you are a married couple, an LGBT couple, or a looking to become a single parent, our agency can assist you. We are not affiliated with any religious organization and do not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, income, sexual orientation, or marital status.

By considering adoption, you can also give the long-term gift of a stable home and loving family. We understand the range of emotions and many decisions you now face. Choosing adoption is a radically compassionate decision and requires a deep love for your child and respect for yourself. As the birthparent, you make the earliest decisions about your child’s future.

Upon contacting the agency, we will designate a counselor who will get to know you, work to understand your unique situation, and help you explore all possible options throughout your pregnancy.

We will give you the support you need:

  • Finding resources for living expenses, food, and clothing
  • Assisting with transportation to and from appointments, if needed
  • Medical expenses may be covered
  • Communication with the birth father and your family
  • Thorough screening of adoptive parents
  • Legal fees and counseling are taken care of

Speaking to us in no way commits you to an adoption plan. We are here to help you figure out what is best for YOU. Birthparents may reach us 24/7 by text or phone call, using our dedicated Birthparent Line: (800) 255-6305.


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